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Boilers and Cooling Towers

Chemology for Boilers and Cooling Towers

Boiler Water Treatment

Scale and corrosion in a boiler impedes heat transfer which can reduce boiler efficiencies and increase the chance of boiler metal failure.

Regular water testing, coupled with the correct chemical program, will help maintain a safe and efficient boiler plant.

Chemology provides a full range of boiler water treatments which help to minimise deposit formation.

Boiler treatment products available from Chemology:

  • Oxygen Scavengers
  • Steam/Condensate Corrosion Inhibitors
  • Corrosion Inhibitors
  • Cooling Tower Treatment
  • Controlling corrosion, deposition and microbiological activity in cooling water systems plays an important part in the maintenance of any open or closed water cooling circuit.

Cost effective control is available from Chemology through our supply of second generation inhibitors such as phosphate or zinc/phosphate based formulations.

Cooling tower treatment products available from Chemology:

  • Anti-scalents
  • Corrosion inhibitors
  • Algaecide formulations
  • Biocide formulations